About Us

Donna Lyons | Owner

Donna has an HBA and MBA in Finance and Human Resources from Saint Mary’s University. She has been in recruitment for over 21 years and built her career organically. While going to different agencies to try and get a job in sales, she wound up being offered positions at multiple recruitment agencies. It was there that she quickly found her niche and passion for recruitment.

Donna has provided hiring support to companies in multiple industries which gives her a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help you find the perfect candidate. From construction to finance and advertising to pharmaceutical, she’s recruited them all!

Fun fact: I am a trained chef but just for fun!

Connect with Donna on Linkedin!

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Mandy has a BBA from Wilfrid Laurier. Soon after graduating she was hired on as an HR Administrator at AECL and was there until she decided to start a family.

Mandy had taken the time needed to focus on raising her two children, wanted to get back into the field and was excited to join DM Lyons Consulting in the role of Project Manager. Having a background in HR makes her a great collaborator in supporting you with your hiring needs!

Fun fact: I’ve lived in over 10 cities throughout Ontario, Saskatchewan and the United States!

Connect with Mandy on Linkedin!




Jenn Bowers graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from Toronto Metropolitan University, specializing in Hospitality and Tourism Management.  She spent many years in various roles including Finance, Human Resources and Event Management.  Her time spent in the Hospitality sector provided years of exceptional customer service experience that will be an asset to help you find your perfect candidate.  Jenn loves to spend time with her three boys and is often found outside hiking or inside cooking and baking.  

Fun Fact - Jenn’s favourite vacation is camping with her family and enjoys canoeing and portaging to a remote campsite!

Connect with Jenn on Linkedin!

Shan Virbhan - project manager

Shantanu Virbhan (Shan) holds a Bachelors in Business Administration degree from India, a PG Diploma in International Business Management, a PG Diploma in Project Management and is a graduate of the Master of Environment and Sustainability (MES) program from Western University. He has 6 + years of multifaceted work experience combining public, private, and not for profit sectors with a special concentration in internal and external stakeholder management. His previous experience in recruiting for the real estate sector overseas coupled with his technical skillset, formal education, and training in dealing with high and low context cultures uniquely prepare him to help you find your perfect candidate. Additionally, he is certified by Climate Disclosures Standard Board (CDSB) for understanding and corporate governance of TCFD’s.

Fun fact- I suffer from OCGFED- obsessive compulsive good food eating disorder!!

Connect with Shan on LinkedIn!

"Hard Work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"

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Recruitment Process 

DM Lyons Consulting, we put your hiring needs first. Our team of Project Managers are

skilled in finding you the right candidate for your next role. In order to get the best from this

experience, we work closely together with your Management and Hiring team to ensure the

process is done quickly and positively. Below is an outline process of our recruitment method.

1. Identify Your Hiring Needs. To ensure that we find you the perfect candidate, we

need to know more about your company and the role you need to fill. You will provide a

job description for the role before our first intake call, this helps us prepare our questions

and ensure we have the right team member working with you. We will schedule an

intake call with our team to learn more about:

a. Your company.

b. How the candidate will fit into your organization.

c. What will the candidate’s responsibilities be?

d. Who will the candidate report to?

e. What level of experience do you need (ie, entry level, Management, Executive)?

f. What personality fit would best suit your needs and the team?

g. What is the budget for this position?

h. What is the career path for this position, what would be a next step for this role

i. What challenges are you facing when finding talent for this role (ie, experience

level, salary, location, etc)?

j. If there are any subsidiary companies that you are affiliated with that we should

not approach talent from?

2. Candidate Search. Once we have our parameters, we’re off to search! Our team likes

to source fresh candidates with each search, to ensure each candidate we present is

interested in moving to a new role. This search is primarily done through personal

contacts, social media, and LinkedIn. We only share the name of the company once

we’ve made contact with the candidate, to ensure you are not overwhelmed with

candidates applying to you directly.

3. Screening. We schedule interviews with each candidate to discuss their background

and present your company to see if they would be a good fit for the role. We have an

honest conversation about the role and the salary being offered to ensure the candidate

is the right fit to move forward. This is where the information from our intake call is of

vital importance; the more we know about your company and culture allows us to better

present the opportunity to the candidate. We are enthusiastic about each role and love

to have candidates excited when they move forward to meet with you!

4. Present Possible Candidates. Our team narrows down the search for you, only

presenting quality candidates for your review. You can choose if you would like them

presented all at once, or as we find them. If you are interested in moving forward with

an interview, we will coordinate both schedules and arrange a meeting time. If a

candidate doesn’t seem to have what you are looking for, we appreciate any feedback

you can provide to help narrow the search and move forward. Communication is key!

We will be in constant communication with you to update on the progress of our search.

5. Interview Candidates. You will have an opportunity to meet with the candidates with

your own team. We find most companies prefer virtual interviews for the first round,

however we are happy to schedule in person meetings based on your preference.

6. Return To Search As Needed. Our team continues our search until the employment

contract has been signed. We take all of your feedback to continuously hone our search

to find exactly what you are looking for. We will continue to meet with candidates and

search until we know that your needs have been met and that you have hired your

perfect candidate. Your feedback is essential to our search, we apply all of your notes

as we continue looking for quality candidates.

7. Provide Reference Checks. We are happy to complete a reference check for the

candidate once you are in a position to extend an offer. If you have a specific question

for the references, please let us know and we would be happy to include.

8. Assist With Contract Proposal and Signing. We are always happy to present a

candidate with their new offer, and can walk them through any questions they may have

before signing.

9. Communication. Congratulations on your new hire! We will continue to be in touch.

We like to check in with your hiring team to make sure your candidate is doing well in

their new role. We also keep in touch with the candidate frequently in their first 3 months

to ensure they are enjoying their position and have everything they need to succeed in

their new role.